With only odd-cost cards in the deck, your hero power deals twice the damage and with the Hunter quest fulfilled, costs 0 and refreshes each time you cast a spell. Zul'jin gives the deck a major value play alongside Unleash the Beast and other spells. This is a deck revolving around the new Hunter quest Defend the Dwarven District and the powerful wild card Baku the Mooneater. It's a bit similar to the crazy one my apprentice, the Yukumo Gal, was thinking of. In Rastakhan's Rumble, Master's Call was added, allowing for an all- beast Midrange Hunter to be viable and powerful. Thanks for accepting this Quest, Hunter This time you'll be fighting a Royal Ludroth at the Ruined Pinnacle. The deck has various ways to trade up low-value minions, such as with Houndmaster and Dire Frenzy, allowing it to continue building its board while efficiently dealing with threats and maintaining control. Past the early game, the deck tries to solidify its board with removal cards such as Kill Command, Eaglehorn Bow, and sometimes Deadly Shot. Midrange Hunter is a Hunter deck type that looks to take early control of the board and snowball its lead in the later turns.